By Lesa Macpherson
Australia has just celebrated its third annual “Ageism Awareness Day”, but we still have a long way to go.
So what is Ageism? What can we do about it? What are the legalities around Age Discrimination, and how effective are they?
A recent survey concluded that:
- “Ageism is stereotyping, discrimination, and mis-treatment of people solely on the basis of Age.
- Ageism has a devastating impact on physical and mental health, longevity, employment prospects, and participation opportunities”.
The survey results included startling findings:
- Three in every four over 50s believe Australia is not doing enough to raise awareness of ageism and fight against it.
- One in every three over 50s has had a job application rejected because of age or been made to feel they are too old to work if they want to.
- There needs to be real and practical legal clout for calling out ageism in the workplace. The Age Discrimination Act has been in place for many years, but to date has failed to be effective in driving a change in behaviours.
- Nearly half of all over 50s have been made to feel incompetent in understanding and learning new technology.
- Far too many over 50s are condescended to in many retail spaces.
These are sad statistics. A huge government campaign is needed to address these issues at a community based level through local authorities.
This is personal.
Every one of us, regardless of our stage of life, wants to age well. Let’s end ageism and its negative aspects. Let’s see more cases of Age Discrimination treated with far greater seriousness. Our Elder citizens deserve so much better than invisibility, dismissal, and poor treatment.
Sunshine Coast Elder Law are experts in all aspects of the law in relation to Elder people. Contact them on 1800961622 or visit