One of the very pleasant aspects of practicing in Elder Law is getting to know some very interesting people who have lived full and rich lives. It is truly a privilege to get to know our Elder Law clients and help them with their needs and assist them along the pathway of their journey through life.

One thing we have learned after years of work in Elder Law is that all the clients have their own story – they are individuals, and it is our duty to provide tailor made bespoke advice for their particular circumstances.

They have “old school values” – honesty, courtesy, and wisdom, and they are entitled to receive the same from their lawyers.

When it comes to Retirement Village or Manufactured Home (Over 50s Resort) purchases it is our duty to make sure our clients fully understand the retirement living choices they are considering.

We have helped many clients into Retirement Villages and Manufactured Home Parks.

Sometimes, after being fully advised about the prospective purchase, our clients decide not to proceed with the particular transaction and opt to look for something more suitable – more in line with their individual circumstances and desires. We help with withdrawal from the original option (and arrange refund of the deposit) and assist with the new choice they are considering.

As Expert Elder Lawyers we have a very wide knowledge base to advise on many and varied contracts and Retirement Living models. We have over 30 years’ experience advising on Elder Law matters.

We are ourselves Baby Boomers (just) and match and identify with the demographic of our clients.

Our motto of Expertise with Empathy is not just a marketing catch phrase – it’s what we do, and what we give.

Sunshine Coast Elder Law are experts in Retirement Villages, Manufactured Home Parks, Aged Care, Wills and Estates, and all Elder Law issues – contact them on 1800328952 or visit
